Post Click Analysis The post-click analytics help create, nurture and tailor the campaigns to reach out to the right audience.Campaign reports are based on the data that are enriched with deep insights. Whistle has better understanding of data analytics and further help customize the campaign for better prospects; with this analysis, you can further enhance user engagement with SMS.
Insight Protocol To catapult a campaign beyond mere execution, Whistle’s intelligent insights can help gauge campaign efficiency of the brand.Insight Protocol helps utilize the data resources wisely and extensively. These insights are populated on the dashboard for a quick reference and optimization.
Performance Visit Satisfying performance is measured with the increase in the scale of campaign conversions.A marketeer can choose to visit the performance scale at any point in time.A performance visit helpsunderstand how closer you’re to the campaign objective.
Click Through Rate CTRs gauge your campaign performance and the user engagement rate. Whistle populates the click performance in real time enabling you to take control of the deliverables.Greater the CTR better the ROI.
Required Cost Per Action Set your target CPA and keep a tab on the spends & returns for instant insights. This feature will give you an instant insight of your campaign’s profit navigation.
Retargeting Retarget the audience who have shown interest in your content through a click. Reach out to audience who really matter for you. This feature will help you create a sampling database to do a dip stick analysis and further scale up the results.
Content Based Performance Whistle makes A/B testing possible for the SMS content performance. Try multiple SMS content for a same campaign and gauge your response.
Launch Based Performance Whistle will help you understand the performance of the campaign basis the time of the campaign execution.For example, you might be surprised to know that a campaign executed at 10:30 am is giving you better conversions than the campaign executed at 1:30 pm.
Data Based performance Whistle with its inbuilt intelligence will analyse the performance of your different data sets. Use this feature to compare the efficiency of your different database; Post this, optimize the cost of campaign, by choosing the dataset that is better performing than the rest.